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Monday, November 30, 2009

What have the kids been up to?

Trying to get as fat as possible...
chewing on mommy...
Ignoring the huge basket of toy to chew on mommy...
chewing on mommy...
Putting my best feature forward...
being super handsome...
Sunbathing in the yard...
being handsome for the pictures...
Having a nap with my toy...
Having a nap with the bacon wrapper...
Having a nap on the bed...
Having a nap with my toy...
Having a nap with the bacon wrapper...
More napping...

As you can see my babies have been busy :-) Lots of napping and lots of attention...spoiled rotten attention! The boys are still doing a great job guarding the house and getting dirty. Queen Annie like me does not enjoy the cold weather coming so the two of us are officially in hibernation and we will only be coming out when necessary. Annie loves to sleep in the blankets and lay in the sunshine in the mornings. We love our little guys!

1 comment:

Abby Jo said...

I just love every single one of you furry kids so very much. They are so adorable!