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Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Hamster Critter

I love this little face!
The things to can capture with a nice camera :-)

He has such teeny tiny hands

This is my latest hamster Critter. I have had him for several months now which is a record for me! I asked my husband about a year ago if I could get a hamster. He said yes and thought that it would be fun too! So I go and buy this tiny baby dwarf hamster along with a $40 cage, special food, a toy ball, the works. I name my cute little hamster Wolverine cause we had just seen that movie the day I got him. I was so excited about my new hamster! July came along and we went out of town for a week. I asked my friend Leona to come over and feed the dogs and cats, get the mail etc. I was so paranoid the whole time we were gone that my dogs were ok, all the worries when you are away. Leona calls me on Thursday and leaves me a message saying that the dogs are fine but that Wolverine is missing and the cage door is open. At first I was in panic just seeing that she calls but then when it wasn't my dogs I calmed down a bit. I was still sad that my hamster was missing, I knew I wouldn't find him. She asked if anyone else was coming over to our house while we were gone and I said no. She was the only one coming over. We came home that Sunday and I looked everywhere for Wolverine. Under the couches, bed, fridge, downstairs but no luck. I knew that if he did get out somehow that the cats would not go long without finding him and having their fun. So the next day I went back to the pet store and bought me a new hamster. He was a bit bigger than Wolverine as he was a teddy bear hamster not a dwarf. Anyways I got him home, got him settled in his cage and ran out the door to go to the dollar store. I come home like 1/2 hour later and the hamster door is open and the hamster is gone. I asked my husband if he had gotten the hamster out and he said no. I was kind of bummed and could not figure out what was going on. About an hour later Dave goes to go for a bike ride. He goes out back and then comes back in and says, I found your hamster. I said you did? Is he ok? Dave says no half his head has been eaten off! He wouldn't even let me see it. I knew now that my cats were somehow getting the cage door open and getting to the hamsters. So I go and get yet another hamster named Daisy. She was so so cute and I loved her. I was really careful not to leave her cage out when I was not home and was also putting the cage in the bathroom and shutting the door at night so my cats could not get her. A few weeks went by and one day I forgot to put the cage in the bathroom when I left but luckily this time I caught the cat in the act! GUILTY!!! I came in the front door and sure enough up on the counter was the cat with his paw in the bars trying to open the door. I went right to the dollar store and bought a little lock to go on the door. I ended up having Daisy for several months but then one night I went to get her out of her cage to hold her and she had died in her sleep :-( So, hamster #4 is still alive and happy thanks for a $1 lock on the door :-D Not only have I had bad luck with the hamsters themselves but all the equipment is CRAP!! The cage is falling apart, the exercise ball lid won't stay on so I have to tape it when he runs in it, he hates the "SPECIAL" food, his wheel is off balance and cracked and the slide won't stay attached! All of this damage and insanity is caused by a 1oz itsy bitsy hamster.

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