My Family
Funny Faces
Me and my Davy Poo
Skylar, Luke and Dad
Me and Dave
Me and Dave
Me and Abby
Synchronized Bowling
My mom
My dad
Spencer and Amber
Brad and Dayton
Me and Abby
Grama Freddi and Dayton
Me and Abby
Grama Freddi and Dayton
Dave giving his good luck kiss
Dave and Spencer
Abby and Lilly
Abby and Dayton
Serious bowler!
Spencer's bowling balls
Family Christmas Party 2009
My family is all about parties! Christmas is no exception. Ever since I was little my family has always had a Christmas Party. We always ate tons of food and played SANTA bingo. Santa would always make an appearance and we all got to sit on his lap and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. I remember one particular Christmas, I think I was about 8 or 9. Before our Christmas parties my mom would always make us clean all day to make sure our house looked nice for the guests. We always had to have a clean room. Well, our party got going and Santa came. When it was my turn to sit on his lap he asked me if I had been a good girl and if my room was clean. I told him yes and he did not believe me and so he made me take him all the way up stairs to my bedroom to show him that my room was indeed clean. I was so embarrassed that Santa Clause was in my room!! Well now me and my siblings and cousins are all grown up, married and some with kids and so after 28 years of doing the same thing for Christmas, my family decided to do our own thing this year and go bowling. We went to Miracle Bowl on Sunday and had such a fun time. We all got to bowl for a few hours and then headed over to Abby's house for dinner and party. My dad made his delicious homemade soup. We also played a few games. One that we never played before, was a game Abby had heard of. We had 3 gifts that had been wrapped and wrapped and duck taped and wrapped again. We all sat in a circle and rolled dice and if you got doubles you had to put on a pair of mittens and a pair of snow gloves and try to unwrap the presents. Whoever unwrapped it first got to keep the gift. It was so funny and hard to try to unwrapped a present with gloves on. It was a really fun party and a good change up for all of us.
Your Party pictures tunred out so awesome! The close up of Skylar is such a good picture of him! We did have a fantastic time!
oh I forgt Annie's winter outfit is so adorable! She looks so cute! She is such a little fashion queen!
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