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Friday, July 3, 2009

Sweet 4th of July Story

It's the 4th of July and that means my favorite holiday has arrived. I love love love the 4th! It is such a fun time and to me is the meaning of summer. I was remembering a story about the 4th the other night and wanted to share. My husband Dave and I got married on July 9th 2005 and the following year for the 4th we had a little party of our own at our house. We had only our dogs Toby and Annie at this time and we soon found out that both (and now all) of the dogs are terrified of fireworks. Dave and I were have a fun time putting on our own fireworks show and after a bit we realized that neither of our dogs were anywhere in sight. We went into the house and we found Toby hiding no Annie. When we cannot find Annie immediately we go into panic mode. My panic mode a little more intense than Dave's. So we are searching and we cannot find her anywhere. I started to cry and thought that someone walking by from the park may have taken her without us knowing. We looked and looked and looked and she was no where to be found. After a few minutes we noticed that Toby had started whining and pacing. I looked at Toby and opened the gate and told him to find Annie. He went out the gate, ran down the sidewalk and within just a minute or two here came him back up the sidewalk with Annie in tow. We could not believe it. He had really gone and found her. She had gotten scared and had hid under our tenants parked car on the side of our house. To think of this story really tugs on my heartstrings and I realize not just on this occasion but many that my dogs are very smart and they are very much in tune with our emotions. When I panic Toby sensed that and he knew what was wrong. These little guys are truly our guardian angels!

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